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Events List

Register callbacks to receive events

// Example
io.bluedot.cordova.plugin.tempoStoppedWithErrorCallback( tempoTrackingStoppedWithErrorCallback );

GeoTriggering Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
enteredZoneCallbackDevice enters a ZoneObject with the following properties: fenceInfo: Fence information zoneInfo: Zone information locationInfo: Location information isExitEnabled: Wether exit is enabled or disabled. <Bool> * customData: Zone custom data
exitedZoneCallbackDevice exits a ZoneObject with the following properties: fenceInfo: Fence information zoneInfo: Zone information locationInfo: Location information isExitEnabled: Wether exit is enabled or disabled. <Bool> * customData: Zone custom data
zoneInfoUpdateCallbackThe SDK downloads the ZoneszoneInfos: List of Zones downloaded.

Tempo Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
tempoTrackingExpiredCallbackTempo session has expired (Default 30 minutes).None
tempoStoppedWithErrorCallbackTempo has stopped due to an error. The error will be passed as a parameter in the callback.Object with the following properties: * error: Error description

Helpers Events

NameDescriptionEvent payload
bluedotServiceDidReceiveErrorCallbackBluedot service received an errorObject with the following properties: * error: Error description
lowPowerModeDidChangeCallbackLow power mode status changes in the device * Only for iOSObject with the following properties: *isLowPowerMode: whether low power mode is enabled or disabled. <Bool>
locationAuthorizationDidChangeCallbackLocation authorization status changes * Only for iOSObject with the following properties: previousAuthorizationStatus newAuthorizationStatus
accuracyAuthorizationDidChangeCallbackAccuracy authorization status changes * Only for iOSObject with the following properties: previousAccuracyAuthorization newAccuracyAuthorization